Monday, September 13, 2010

getting noticed

It may be too late to join the race but if you have already added your name to Toronto's list of nominees it's not too late to get noticed in social media (even if the other media is ignoring you) but you do need a twitter or facebook account and go door to door. On my twitter account I have up to 20 lists the most popular are: councillorsCity of Toronto Councillors running for election in the 2010 #voteTO race mayorCandidates in the 2010 October Toronto Mayor Race (official primary or active twitter account)mayorallToronto Mayor Candidates in the 2010 October Race, includes duplicates and their campaign managerstdsbToronto District School Boardmayorless3all the Mayor Candidates found on twitter excluding the 3 in the media all the time (removed the 2 that withdrew after the deadline) 
I also have created 2 ward lists and follow any lists that I have found for candidates in other wards
v4tw10Following #voteto candidates running in Ward10 Toronto (and/or TDSB York Centre) use #v4tw22v4tw22Candidates running in Toronto's St Paul's ward22 use #v4tw22 to promote your tweet@nealjennings/to-ward-27-candidatesPlease let me know of any others with lists for candidates in other wards as twitters limit is 20 and Toronto has 44 wards  

Monday, September 6, 2010

New Poll Best Way to get attention

With very few days to join the race the (nomination period will close at 2 p.m. on Friday, September 10, 2010)  there are 33 Mayor candidates not getting a lot of coverage as of 6th Sept 2010 there are 38 Mayor candidates, 27 (or 71% ) have been found with a twitter account and 10 without. I have been tracking the Mayors different ways on twitter

  1. By following them on my other twitter account @TorontoVote
  2. By adding them to various lists @torontovote/mayor which includes only their primary or personal account @torontovote/mayorless5 all the above candidates excluding the top 5 in the Media and @torontovote/mayorall which includes any twitter that might be a mayor or a Campaign team account @torontovote/mayorall
  3. ReTweeting (RT) Platforms, initial announcements they are running upcoming events they are or will be at.
  4. Finding and identifying those that are Hosting or Tweeting events Live with my list @torontovote/votetolive

If anyone one is aware of any Councillors, Trustees or Mayor Candidates that are on twitter and are not listed or followed (mostly mayors) by me yet let me know and I will add them so they can be found faster

The City of Toronto even has a twitter account (without realizing it) only 1 letter longer than my own and they encourage but do not enforce candidates updating their contact information online.

@torontovote Toronto Elections can't post candidate info 'til they sign/submit a "Consent to Additional Methods of Public Disclosure" form

New facebook page to attract others to twitter

About Me

My photo
Tweeter and now Blogger, interested in Toronto Transit improvements, Bicycling and following the Mayor Race in Toronto so I can make an informed vote instead of just picking the last name I heard in the mainstream Media I've decided to locate all the mayor platforms be it on Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, or personal websites. I no longer satisfied with someones editorial slant based on a brief interview or second hand information. During the up coming months I will attempt with twitter follow and Re-Tweet their ideas/platforms and leave all their 4square updates, personal adventures, comments and bashing of other candidate out of my twitter stream